- I humbly seek clarification on the rulings of ritual purity in Shia Islam, specifically regarding the following scenario: 1. After urination, if a person does not perform istinja with water, stones, or any other material, and instead: - Immediately places the penis back into their pants without any cleansing, - Delays washing the penis for 5–6 hours, - Does not clean the affected area or clothing during this period, Would the person be considered najis during those 5–6 hours? 2. After the delay, if they finally wash the penis with water: - Does this restore taharah, or does the prior delay invalidate the cleansing? - Are the pants/underwear najis during this time due to contact with the unclean penis? 3. Impact on worship: Would prayers performed during the 5–6 hour period (before washing) be invalid due to the state of najis? I ask this because I wish to understand the precise rulings on delayed cleansing and the status of the body/clothing in such cases. Your guidance on these details would be deeply appreciated. Jazakallah for your attention.
- When will you publish your risalah?
- Salaam Hajj Agha, I hope you are doing well, insha'Allah. Question: _Is there any religious recommendation regarding doing anything with the placenta after giving birth?_
- Salam May Allah bless you in both worlds A person who has done no official howza studies and claims to have read books by Imam Khomeini and Allama Tabatabai has started giving lectures on exegesis of Quran and islamic philosophy and mysticism now can I listen to his lectures and make my beliefs according to his understanding of Islam.
- Salam Moulana, I want to do mutah with my girl friend is it necessary for her to get her father's permission We already had sex but we did toba on that and now we want to do it legally Isn't it better to do temporary marriage rather than masturbation when both of us are wise and can sense what's better for us. Wasalam
- Is it permissible for a person to keep his/her eyes closed during prayer? What is the sharia ruling regarding doing this act when it brings the presence of heart (full concentration) into the prayer?
- Where can I find English risala of His Eminence, The Religious شAuthority, Ayatullah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani?
- We both are engaged, our parents are happily agreed for the marriage, but it would be 4-5 yr later, we are fearing that we may commit zina During this years Gap. Can we recite our nikah before the real marriage ceremony ,without informing girl's Father to start halal relationship?
- I want to change Marja and someone said I should have a real reason.
- What is your opinion about the issue of masturbation?
- Did all the Imams who came after tragedy of karbala visited the grave of Imam Hussain atleast once in their lives
- Ive a question hope you will answer. In present times when any hadith from Aimma(as) is mentioned(Supposing the chain of narration is authentic) and the instructions within it is very very clear than should we accept it right away or refer to a Mujtahid and follow his interpretation for the same.
- In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Assalaam-o-Alaikum! Is it permissible for a person to keep his/her eyes closed during prayer? What is the sharia ruling regarding doing this act when it brings the presence of heart (full concentration) into the prayer? May the Lord prolong His Eminence's life.
- are shias allowed to temporary marriage on young girls.
- In the Name of God the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Assalaam-o-Alaikum! I am seeking guidance from His Eminence about the following question: Is this permissible to organize and take part in mourning processions on the day of Eid al-Fitr, keeping this point in mind that these processions are organized because the day of Eid al-Fitr marks the completion of seven days of Imam Ali\'s martyrdom. Whether or not, these types of actions fall under the category of bringing innovation in the religion? Kindly guide me, I am eagerly waiting for His Eminence response. May Allah prolong His Eminence Life
- Last Year Ramadhan was pregnant but later on I made Kadha (Make up for Missed fast). But i had not paid Fidyah till now. What am i suppose to do.
- does Ayatollah Hadavi accept people for mysticism?
- Can you do mutah with a girl who is independent without asking for her fathers consent dvd does it matter if she’s virgin or not
- If someone's father and mother are not paying khums is it permissible for their son to pray in their house or eat food or buy clothes from their money
- Question 1: Can we give a monthly salary or wage to the Imam of the Jamaat (Imam Wajib Namaz Panjgana)?
- Is it permissible and or is advisable for Muslims to participate in elections and voting on the United States of America?
- Please guide me towards erfan mysticism
- Are non Muslims tahir?
- Is it wajib to recite Surah after the al Hamd in daily wajib prayers?
- Molana if a girl is virgin but independent means she earns herself can she marry without her father permisssion
- Salam Alaykum, 1. I have heard Ayatullah Tehrani allows the nikah to be done via text message? 2. If so, what is the way of doing this? 3. Secondly, can the man take permission from the girl to act as her representative and recite both sides of the nikah himself 4. if so does the girl need to hear him recite it . it sufficient to take her permission via text message?
- My question is that if a women in mutah marriage And talk to her husbnd And her husband is living in other country So if she talk to her hsbnd and suddenly white water comes out ،is the Qosl Wajib?
- i personally believe that elections in Pakistan are completely arranged and managed and funded by Saudi Arabia which is puppet of America so my question is should we vote in elections even if a candidate is supported by the shia political parties or not?
- In the Tasleem can I just say As Salam alaykoum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatouk?
- If a married wife with 3 children whom she has been homeschooling the children for the last 3 years with a good outcome is now asking to go to work at a school under pressure from her father against the wishes and educational strategy of her husband.
- Who was Ayatollah Hadavi teachers on Irfan
- I want to know if Ayatollah Hadavi Tehrani believes in Irfan
- salamun alaiikum wa raihmatullahai wa barakatohu sawal: mai yahan aik muballigh ki haisiat sai namazai rozan ki imamat kar rah hun aur hamarai yahan sai qaraiaib 3 kilomaitair jum hot hai magar kuchhh log jumai ki namaz ad karnai nhi jatai hain to ky mai in logon ko jumai kai din namazai zohr o asar jamaat sai padh sakt hun? jald jawab dijiyaig wassalam
- Tasleemaat! According to our country culture & tradition, is it allowed to say hi or aadaab or tasleem or hello etc inspite of SALAMUN ALAIKUM? Another question is, in INDO-PAK local tradition-language-culture, elderly people say JEETE RAHO (GOD BLESS YOU) in answer of SALAMUN ALAIKUM, is it allowed to give different types of blessings in our mother tongue in answer of salam un alaikum? And, what is the status of saying just "SALAM" inspite of salamu alaikum or salamun alaikum?
- Assalaamu Dear Hajj Agha Hadavi, I would like to please know your view regarding تعرب بعد الهجرة.
- If a male member dies leaving wife + 3 girls + 2 sisters. Can you please explain how his inheritance should be distributed according to islamic Shariah.? Thanks.
- Can a muslim male marry Ahlul kitab in permanent marriage?
- Bismihi-Taala. As-Salamu aleykum I grew up in a muslim family. But my father and mother have been very ignorant, and both they haven't know the Islamic religion and they couldn't teach us this religion. Instead, they sometimes they negate the afterlife (Ahkirat). Such that they say "is there anyone who came from another world (underworld)". I started praying at my seventeenth. However, I was not grown up mentally (thinking) even though I was grown up biologically. Such that I did not understand the purpose of the creation. However I lived just biologically, and Idid not understand this kind of things at all. I knew that there are praying, fasting, but I did not undertsand totally, I even do not remember thinking about it. So that I have been so much ignorant. I lived a secularistic life. Even after starting praying, my parents also have been against my living a religious life. In that case, is it necessary for me to re-do (qadha) the prayers and fastings that I did not perform before age seventeen?
- Is it permissible to sale kidney (body parts)?
- Can you please tell me where can we use Radde Mazalim amount? In which khair work it can be used?
- 1- Keeping in view the Iranian banking system and the interest payment policy in place, is such a method of payment of interest haram or halal? That is because according to Shari’ah standards, the amount of interest paid by the bank should not be fixed and it should be a portion of the entire interest whereas, in fact, the amount of interest in the banking system is fixed. 2- If I lend someone some money according to the terms and conditions of Iranian banks and receive 22 or 23 percent interest on the lent amount, is my income halal or haram?
- Is it permissible to recite a dua (supplication) after Sura Al-Hamd and a verse in obligatory prayers?
- If a person embarks on a journey after midday and does not want to break his fast, what is the Islamic law in this regard? Does he have to return before morning Adhan or he can return before Adhan of Zuhr?
- Which is better, masturbation or temporary marriage without my father’s permission? If my father does not consent to temporary marriage, am I allowed to masturbate?
- Salamun alaykum. Please explain the rules and quantity of Zakatul Fitra.
- Can we pay the price of Zakatul Fitra in cash?
- Basijiyan Fund has announced that whoever deposits five million Tumans for five months in his account with the Fund, he will be given five million Tumans as loan. Now the question is: What should we do to avoid usury?
- How a christian converted to Islam can wash is soul from past haram actions ?
- Are animal enzymes Haram?
- If a person changes his asset into jewelry and ornaments so that its value does not decrease, does Khums apply to such a property?